Industry Immersions

From Foodie to Aggie, My Taste of Ag Industry’s Future

From Foodie to Aggie, My Taste of Ag Industry’s Future

Matching strategy with sustainability

Consumer and grower preferences in the agriculture industry are shifting. The earth and number of people living on it are changing. In a response, UC Davis is committed to building a more stable food system for the future.

The Food and Agriculture

In the Field: Immersion Tours Unpack California's Agribusiness
Group of students at Taylor Farms

In the Field: Immersion Tours Unpack California's Agribusiness

MBAs and ag students see agricultural supply chain up close

“It was mind blowing,” to see 16 lines simultaneously packing salad mixes in a warehouse running 24-hours, six days a week, writes Julie Morris, Food and Ag Immersion Coordinator.

Jesse Rosales Climbs K2 Like It’s His Job
Jesse Rosales MBA 17 Climbs K2 Like It’s His Job

Jesse Rosales Climbs K2 Like It’s His Job

MBA Alum: It takes management skills, process-oriented goals and a strategic vision

Jesse Rosales didn’t climb a mountain in a day.

Summiting the second highest peak in the world—a feat more consuming and dangerous than scaling Mt. Everest—took years of preparation, perseverance and every project management skill in his toolbox.

Industry Immersion: CFO as Storyteller and Voice of Reason
Headshot of Paul. Bergholm

Industry Immersion: CFO as Storyteller and Voice of Reason

Executives from AT&T and a veteran startup CFO advise students

In the CFO for Technology Industry Immersion course, AT&T executives and a startup veteran share their finance stories from managing a global giant to navigating unchartered waters in a new venture.

Industry Immersion: Training Tech CFOs of the Future
Headshot of David Cole

Industry Immersion: Training Tech CFOs of the Future

Chief Finance Officers share career advice and M&A case studies

Technology CFOs from financial software company Intuit and an AI-driven drug startup challenge MBA students on M&A scenarios and post-merger integration.